What's the word for...?
Find that expression on the tip of your tongue
when you're about to sneeze but it suddenly goes away
when you walk into a room and instantly forget why you went there
that satisfaction when you finally remember something that was bugging you
when you recognize a face but can't remember from where
when you forget how to spell a really simple word
that moment of panic when you think you've forgotten your phone but it's in your hand
when you can't stop a song from playing in your head
that prickly feeling on your tongue after eating too much pineapple
that strange floating sensation just before falling asleep
when your stomach drops as you miss a step going down stairs
when you forget what day of the week it is
when you suddenly forget how to do a simple task you've done a million times
that nostalgia when you smell something from your childhood
when your foot falls asleep
when you're not sure if you've just had a brilliant idea or a really dumb one
that disappointment when you bite into a cookie thinking it's chocolate chip but it's raisin
that floating feeling in your stomach when an elevator starts or stops
that relief when you finally find a bathroom after holding it for too long
when you finally get a popcorn kernel unstuck from your teeth
that disorientation when you wake up from a really vivid dream
that fear when you lean too far back in a chair
that confusion when you wake up from an afternoon nap and it's dark outside
when you're sure you've forgotten something but can't remember what
when you perfectly time walking through automatic doors
that dread when you realize you've left something important at home
that tingling sensation when your hand falls asleep
that frustration when you can't remember the punchline to a joke
when you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming
when you miss a step going down stairs
when your ears pop while driving up a mountain
that disappointment when you reach for food and realize you've already eaten it all
when you see someone who looks exactly like you
that confusion when you wake up in a hotel room and forget where you are
when you stand up too quickly and get dizzy
that relief when you find something you thought you'd lost forever
when you can't remember if you turned off the stove
that discomfort when someone stands too close in an elevator
when you finally scratch an itch
when you're trying to describe a color but can't find the right words
that confusion when you try to push a door that says pull
that creepy crawly sensation on your skin when nothing's there
that weird taste in your mouth when you wake up
that moment of panic when you think you've overslept but you haven't
that feeling in your stomach when you go down a steep hill
when you suddenly become aware of your tongue and don't know where to put it in your mouth
when you get a random shiver down your spine for no apparent reason
when your ears adjust as you dive underwater
when you think you hear your phone vibrate but it didn't
when you're trying to remember a word and all you can think of is its first letter
that burning sensation in your nose when you drink soda too fast
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