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A sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness of the skin with no apparent physical cause.
- After sitting in one position for too long, I experienced paresthesia in my legs.
- Some patients with anxiety report experiencing paresthesia on their skin.
A specific type of paresthesia that feels like insects crawling on or under the skin.
- The patient described a constant sensation of formication on his arms.
- Formication can occur in individuals undergoing withdrawal from certain medications.
phantom sensation
A perception of feeling in a limb or body part that is no longer there, which can include feelings such as itching or crawling.
- Amputees often experience phantom sensations, including formication in the missing limb.
- Phantom sensations can be a distressing symptom for those affected.
delusional parasitosis
A psychological condition where individuals falsely believe they are infested with parasites, which may result in the sensation of crawling skin.
- He has been diagnosed with delusional parasitosis and insists that he feels bugs crawling on his skin.
- Many people with delusional parasitosis exhibit behaviors to try to rid themselves of the imagined infestation.