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The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.


  • She felt a wave of frustration when she discovered she had finished her favorite snack.
  • His frustration mounted as he searched for a meal in an empty fridge.


A disappointment resulting from the failure of something to meet expectations.


  • The letdown of finding the cookie jar empty was palpable after a long day.
  • He experienced a letdown after realizing his friends had eaten all the pizza before he arrived.


A disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events.


  • The anticlimax of reaching for the last bag of chips only to find it empty was deflating.
  • Their anticipation turned to anticlimax when they saw the empty plate after the party.

satiation regret

The feeling of regret after realizing you have overindulged and there's no more left to eat.


  • After finishing the whole cake, he felt a wave of satiation regret when he sought seconds.
  • Her satiation regret hit when she tried to grab another slice of pizza and realized it was all gone.

food envy

Discontentment or disappointment due to wanting food that you know you can't have, often because you've already finished your own.


  • She felt food envy watching her friends enjoy their snacks while she remembered hers was finished.
  • The food envy was real when he saw his buddy with a full plate while his own was bare.